Art Therapy Options

-Opportunities to invest in your mental health

and be part of a creative community-


Price Varies

Group Therapy Sessions

(60min sessions)

A collective therapy experience designed to foster a supportive community through guided art directives. Merging together trauma informed facilitation with the use of Art based investigations. Ongoing scheduled themed groups

**No previous art experience required.

For up to date ongoing group sessions, check @ravenarttherapy, Raven Art Therapy on facebook or email me directly .



Private Art Therapy Sessions

(60 mins)

Dedicated to your own personal investigation using a trauma informed & art based therapeutic model.

**No previous art experience required.

Email Cristin directly to set up an appointment.

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Creativity Coaching

If you are already engaged in an art making practice, or would like to commit to one, I am here to support you in your creative journey.

I can provide feedback in areas of various art materials, techniques, or conceptual planning.

These sessions are personalized specifically to your artistic needs & pursuits, they are not considered therapy. $60.00 (30 mins)

Art Based Workshops


If you have an interest in an art based workshop designed for a community group, work cohort or team building activity, I am able to design a directive to support your goals. Price determined by group size and activity.